Hotel Contracts
Experience makes all the difference.
Peacock Marketing has vast experience with hotel contracts and groups and will use this knowledge to help protect your organization in cases where crazier things have happened – like pandemics and acquisitions. We know the items that are negotiable and the areas where you have the most liability. We’ll help you negotiate attrition clauses, concessions, food and beverage minimums, resort fees, and numerous other things.
Peacock Marketing has SO SO much to offer in this category. I promise, you are missing out if you don’t get us involved. And, we can usually perform this service at no-cost to you if we are engaged early enough in the process and can be listed as your group’s agent with the hotel.
See our Insider Tips to Stretch your F&B Dollars below for some other event order secrets.

Hotel BEOs
Have you ever been hit with a stack of BEOs that number 40+ pages that include EVERY single, little, minor detail?
These things are no fun and are usually due a week before your event, right when you are facing major crunch time and deadlines and everything is going crazy.
The BEOs specify anything from linen color to where you want each chair placed, to what type vodka will be served at the reception and how many gluten-free guests the hotel should expect…and MORE. We can help with this and charge on an hourly basis.
Hotel BEOs
Did You Know? It’s Free!
Peacock can negotiate hotel room blocks and review your hotel contract at no cost to you, or at a minimal cost, dependent on the size of your group and the number of hotel nights in your block. No, really!
Basically, the process works like this. Peacock Marketing Group will review a client’s hotel contract and provide a list of recommended edits and amendments without the client having to come out-of-pocket for this value. What’s the catch? There’s not one. As long as the hotel lists Peacock Marketing as the event planner/agent in the contract before signature, Peacock is eligible for commission, and it will cover our time and expertise. This strategy does not increase a client’s room rate, and the hotel pays Peacock directly at the conclusion of an event (which is typically months or even years away).
We will help you create an RFP template (if needed), navigate the details of the contract, reduce your liability, negotiate on your behalf, and save you hours of time.
Other Contracts
We can coordinate logistics and the paperwork for additional vendors as well. Along with hotel contracts, many events also need to contract with suppliers such as the ones listed below.
AV Orders
Outside Activities & Tours
Off-Site Venues
Beach Set-Up
Sports Venues
Restaurant Buyouts
Tent, Tables, Chairs, & Linens
State-Licensed Bartenders
Yes, IATAN Accreditation
IATAN is one of the most trusted professional travel organizations in the US. Being IATAN accredited shows that Peacock Marketing Group has been thoroughly vetted and adheres to IATAN standards and requirements. Many industry suppliers require agency partners to have an IATAN Accreditation.
IATAN Accreditation is the gold standard for validation among agencies and booking specialists. Once a business becomes accredited, they are issued an IATA Code. This 8-digit IATA Code is used as the industry-wide standard identification by suppliers such as hotel & resort chains to simplify reservations, sales activities, and commission distribution.
Who can be accredited?
US travel professionals -- including meeting planners, event organizers or site selectors -- who sell travel and travel-related services and who continuously meet IATAN Accreditation requirements.

Insider Tips to Stretch your F&B Dollars
Peacock Markting Event Tips
Ask the venue to serve leftover breakfast items (bagels, muffins, pastries, fruit) and serve them during the break. This reduces wasted food, gives attendees more variety for the snacks, and will reduce consumption of the other snack items ordered (meaning $ saved).
When negotiating alcohol, a bar on consumption instead of a bar package almost always comes out in your favor. Also, you can specify "no shots" in the contract which can also save you money (and crazy or liable behavior).
Specify no decaf coffee since most people drink caffeinated coffee. You'd be surprised at what hotels charge for a gallon of coffee! Also, explore getting a sponsor for the coffee bar to help cover or offset the cost.
When a coffee break or breakfast comes with coffee and hot tea, request that the venue swap out the hot tea with iced tea. It’s more popular and a crowd pleaser.
Hold dessert from being served during lunch and serve it during an afternoon break instead. This way, you don't have to pay anything additional for a snack at break.
Order break items on consumption versus a package or by the dozen. Limit your variety of snacks offered to prevent folks from taking one of each. For example, don't offer Kind bars and Cliff bars. Or Snickers and M&Ms.
Ask the venue for their overage percentage guarantee on food preparation. Most venues prepare a certain amount of food over your guaranteed number. This allows event planners to go a little lower on the guarantee number for cocktail parties, breakfasts, and dinners (to account for missed flights, no shows, last-minute cancellations) without the risk of running out of food.
If your bar budget is tight, even little things like dropping the imported and craft beer can add a chunk of savings to the bottom line. And close the bar on time for additional financial impact.